Gas occurs. Older kids and adults do what they have to do to alleviate it (and, if they’re lucky, follow it up with a well-mannered, “Excuse me”). Newborns, on the other hand, rely on their carers for almost everything. This sometimes includes letting off burps and farts. The joys of being a first-time mom.
We spoke with doctor Amy Sniderman, MD, about how to recognise gas in newborns and how to assist your child obtain gas relief. “Some babies just produce more gas than others, and some may be learning to coordinate their physiological processes,” Dr. Sniderman explains. “When it comes to newborns releasing gas, there is a range of what is normal and what is not.” Not every infant need assistance, but some do, and this is perfectly acceptable.”
Signs your baby has gas
Gas is a normal body function induced by ingesting too much air. When sipping from a bottle or breast, crying, or sucking on a pacifier, infants may take in additional air. A baby that has accumulated gas is typically a grumpy infant. A tummy full of bubbles just does not feel nice, and they will let you know.
Babies who are attempting to alleviate gas or empty their bowels may:
- Be very picky.
- Scrunch their brow.
- Be especially squirmy.
- To relieve themselves, they pull their legs up to their chest.
Gas pain is most frequent during the first four months of a baby’s life, according to Dr. Sniderman, although some newborns will require assistance with their gas over the first year.
How to get rid of baby gas
A newborn or baby experiencing gas is not cause for concern. Gas has always been a part of life. A newborn who is in pain due to gas, on the other hand, is requesting assistance from their caregivers.
“Some newborns will be able to pass their gas without much, if any, assistance. Others require a little assistance,” Dr. Sniderman explains.
She provides many methods for relieving gas in newborns.
Burp it up
When newborns drink, they ingest air, which might result in gas. During feedings, Dr. Sniderman advises maintaining your infant on a moderate inclination. And don’t forget to burp.
“Typically, we recommend halting approximately halfway through feeding to attempt for a burp, and then again at the end of a feeding session,” she says. “For babies who are more prone to gas, we could recommend burping every ounce or so.”
She advises the following two postures for burping:
Over the shoulder: Hold your infant vertically, “Dragon Ball Z Blanket”with his or her head slightly above your shoulder. Make sure your shoulder or hand is supporting their small head. Pat or stroke their back gently.
Arm rest: Place your infant on your lap, sideways. Lean them forward slightly, with their upper torso resting on your forearm. Softly cradle their jaw in your fingers, being careful not to touch their throat. Pat or stroke their back gently.
Not every infant burps after every meal. Give them an opportunity to get it out, but if the burps don’t come, don’t worry, advises Dr. Sniderman.
Get those legs pumping
Get their legs moving to provide relief for babies who need to let out some gas from below. Dr. Sniderman recommends placing your infant on their back and gently rotating their legs in circular patterns, as if they were riding a bicycle. Place your infant on their back and grasp their feet in your hands. Bend their legs at the knees and bring their knees to their bellies softly. These strategies may also aid in the production of poop.
“Some newborns are still learning how to coordinate their anal muscles. “They’ll be straining and crying out, but they’re actually clenching,” adds Dr. Sniderman. “They find things out as they progress.” However, bicycling and extending their legs to their bellies can be quite beneficial.
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Reach for the baby gas drops
Simethicone, often known as gas drops, has been used for years to alleviate gas in newborns. It is available over the counter and has been authorised by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to alleviate gas in newborns. The efficacy of gas drops varies. They may not work for all infants or all gas, but they are a safe solution worth a shot. Dr. Sniderman advises the drops for certain newborns who are particularly gassy. She also believes that gas drops should be used as a preventative strategy, as they are less effective once gas has accumulated.
“Gas drops function by dissolving gas bubbles in newborns’ stomachs. If you’re going to use them, it’s ideal to do so four times a day, on a regular basis, to avoid gas, rather than reactively,” she advises. “It’s probably too late for gas drops to work if baby already has unpleasant gas.”
Formula options for gassy babies
If your infant eats formula, you should experiment with different types to see if it helps alleviate their flatulence. A change in food might help some newborns get rid of gas.
“If it’s just gas and the baby is otherwise fine, we may recommend a’sensitive formula’ with lower lactose or a partially hydrolyzed (broken-down) lactose formula.” “Those are still milk-based, so they’re not for babies with milk allergies or intolerances, but they can sometimes help babies with simple gas,” Dr. Sniderman says.
Does diet cause gas in breastfeeding babies?
Some newborns cannot accept standard formula. In such circumstances, a specific recipe including various proteins or carbs may be more effective. On the package, these products frequently state, “May aid with gas, fussiness, or colic.” If you feel your infant is having trouble digesting their current formula, consult with their doctor about your choices.
You may have heard that what you eat impacts your breastmilk and that some foods should be avoided if you’re nursing. Breastfeeding requires proper nourishment. However, scientific study has not definitely established a relationship between your food and flatulence or other discomforts for your baby.
Some persons who are nursing benefit from limiting their consumption of gas-producing meals or dairy products. This is especially useful if they are gassy themselves. Dr. Sniderman says that if it works for you, that’s great, but she doesn’t recommend a restrictive diet for most breastfeeding women.
“Some people will come up with a long list of foods you should avoid if you have a gassy baby,” Dr. Sniderman says. “That’s a lot to ask of someone who is probably already stressed and caring for a new baby.” When you’re breastfeeding, you need to eat a lot. You literally have to eat enough to feed yourself and the baby. So I’m usually not of the opinion that a breastfeeding diet should exclude a lot of things.”